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Last modified 04.03.24

Shipley Asia Pacific (“Shipley”) is committed to the principles and practice of privacy, as set out in the Privacy Act. This statement sets out the detail that backs up that commitment.

Shipley is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as amended.

The information we hold on individuals working in client and potential client organisations includes contact details.  If you would like to check or amend your contact details, please contact us.

We also hold:

* records of our commercial sales process with the client

* records of our commercial negotiations with the client

Unfortunately, we cannot provide access to this information due to its commercial sensitivity.

Sensitive information

We do not collect sensitive information, such as gender, sexual preferences, race, religion, political affiliation, etc.


Shipley Asia Pacific may at its discretion use other third parties to provide essential services on our website or for our business processes. We may share your details as necessary for the third party to provide that service.

We also use contact details for our own direct marketing, including email, telephone marketing and paper mail marketing.

If at any time a customer wishes not to receive such correspondence, they can request to be removed from any mailing lists by clicking on the unsubscribe link in any email communication or by contacting us directly.

Third parties

Shipley Asia Pacific uses personally identifiable information for essential communications, such as emails, accounts information, and critical service details.

These third parties are prohibited from using your personally identifiable information for any other purpose. Shipley Asia Pacific does not share any information with third parties for any unknown or unrelated uses.


Our service provider makes a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes – the user’s server address, the user’s top level domain name (eg. .com, .gov, .au, .uk etc.), the date and time of the visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous site visited and the type of browser used. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider’s logs.

We will only record your e-mail address if you send us a message or fill in a form.


Shipley operates in an area where it is absolutely essential that not only is confidential information protected, but our clients have absolute confidence in ShipleyÂ’s intent and ability to protect such information as we are given.


Our commitment to this principle is implemented by us in stages, as our engagement with a particular bidder is developed:

Initial enquiry regarding an opportunity

Where we are approached (or we approach) a potential bidder for a particular opportunity, we have no way of knowing whether that bidder will be our client for that opportunity; it may well be one of their competitors who eventually engages with us. For that reason, we recommend that before formal engagement with us you do not divulge confidential or commercially sensitive information to us.

If you do divulge such information, we will never under any circumstance use this information to aid another bidder; our reason for asking you not to disclose information is to ensure that there is no possibility of confusion in your mind about the effect of that disclosure.

During engagement

After formal engagement to support you in a particular opportunity (ie formation of a contract nominating that opportunity), our commitment is clearly stated in our standard contract:

Shipley agrees not to divulge any information about The Client or its products or services to any other party, where said information has been identified as confidential by The Client, and where further the information is not already in the public domain.” (Please check the actual contract for the wording of this clause)

In practice, our aim is even higher than this: to avoid any mention of a clientÂ’s name, products or services in conjunction with a particular opportunity, even where the information is already in the public domain or has not been identified as confidential.

Dual engagement

For most opportunities, we will refuse to engage with two bidders at the same time.

We make an exception only for some opportunities, typically panel contracts where there are likely to be many bidders, and where our engagement with two or more bidders can be of equal value to each of them; in this circumstance we will disclose to all supported bidders that we are supporting multiple bids for the opportunity. Our contract sets out our standard of confidentiality (essentially a “Chinese Wall”) in this circumstance:

Shipley agrees that where it is engaged by two or more clients who are in competition, either in general or for a specific bid, that in addition to the confidentiality requirements set out in this agreement, it will ensure that Shipley staff involved with these clients only have access to information that they need to know in order to perform their duties.” (Please check the actual contract for the wording of this clause)